The millions must be won: 100 millionaires in one day. Guaranteed!
On Friday, 22 November 2024, EuroMillions will have an extra 100 X 1 million* to be won. And here’s how to make one of those millions yours:
100 players will win 1 million – guaranteed
In the draw held on 22 November 2024, 100 winners will be drawn from among all participation codes. The lucky players with one of the 100 winning codes on their entry confirmation ticket will be 1 million* richer. The winning codes drawn will be published with the EuroMillions winning numbers on Swisslos’s website.
Taking part couldn’t be simpler:
Those who take part in the EuroMillions draw on 22 November will be automatically entered in the millions draw, because for every EuroMillions pick played you’ll find a participation code on the entry confirmation ticket. Each participation code represents a chance to win a million. The more EuroMillions picks you play, the greater your chances of winning. Let's say you play three EuroMillions picks, then you'll receive three participation codes and three chances to win 1 million.
If you take part in the draw online, you will be automatically notified in your Swisslos game account. If you participated in the EuroMillions special draw via a sales outlet, you can have your entry confirmation ticket checked at any sales outlet.

* Corresponds in CHF to the guaranteed prize of EUR 1 million.
Did you know?
EuroMillions already held a draw among all EuroMillions players for 100 x 1 million on 21 January 2022 and again on 3 February 2023. Did you know that Switzerland had no fewer than 10* winners in these draws? So be sure to take part and secure your extra shot at 100 x 1 million in the next draw.
* Swisslos and Loterie Romande