Celebrating 10 years of bingo.ch!
And you get to cash in. From 23 April 2021, there are some great non-cash prizes and game credit to be won on bingo.ch. Find out here which promotions bingo.ch is offering.
Promotion period: 23 April 2021 – 2 May 2021

Every 10th play a winner
For ten days, there’s Bingo game credit waiting to be won between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.
Here’s how easy it is:
From 23 April 2021, every time you buy a “Moonshine” or “Rock’n’Roll” card you’ll be automatically entered in the draw. Every 10th play wins 3 francs of Bingo game credit.
Prizes from the Chat Masters!
What would bingo.ch be without the Bingo chat? It’s a place where you can take part in daily competitions and find answers to all sorts of questions about bingo.ch. Most importantly of all, however: it’s a place where you can enjoy exciting chats and make great friends.
And for that the Chat Masters (or CMs) want to say a big thank you.
New prizes to be won every day
Each day, a Chat Master will be giving away a great prize, which has been carefully selected by the Chat Master and reflects his or her personality. Can you use the tips to work out what the prize is?
Here’s how easy it is:
From 23 April 2021, every time you buy a card you’ll be automatically entered in the draw.
- If you play bingo on 23 April, you will be entered into the draw on 23 April.
- If you play bingo on 24 April, you will be entered into the draw on 24 April.
The winners
23 April 2021: Bernhard R. from W.
24 April 2021: Simona P. from C.
25 April 2021: Dora W. from S.
26 April 2021: Andrius P. from Z.
27 April 2021: Manuel M. from G.-O.
28 April 2021: Janice S. from B.
29 April 2021: Denise B. from O.
30. April 2021: Ravivarma S. from O.
01 May 2021: Jacqueline P. from M.
02 May 2021: Josef K. from S.
Subscribe to the Bingo newsletter to make sure you don’t miss out on any of the great prizes on offer.
Conditions of participation
Vouchers must be redeemed at www.swisslos.ch by 31.05.2021. No cash payouts will be made. Anyone over the age of 18 and residing in the Swisslos territory (cantons AI, AG, AR, BE, BL, BS, GL, GR, LU, NW, OW, SG, SH, SO, SZ, TI, TG, UR, ZG, ZH and the Principality of Liechtenstein) can open a game account. By participating in the promotion, you are issuing Swisslos with permission to send you promotional e-mails in connection with this offer.