Win for Life Deluxe: 1 million immediately plus CHF 6,000 each month for 20 years!

Win for Life Deluxe can make you a millionaire instantaneously. Still want more? Okay then – how about a further CHF 6,000 each month for 20 years?

No. 2239

You will find the game instructions and the prize structure in the respective Game Rules.

Price & main prize:

  • Price: CHF 15.-
  • Main prize: CHF 6,000 every month for 20 years +1 million francs at once.

Game Rules & prize structure:

The official Game Rules can be found here:

Game Rules Win for Life Deluxe No. 2239

Game Rules Win for Life Deluxe No. 2211

Game Rules Win for Life Deluxe No. 2083

Game Rules Win for Life Deluxe No. 2041

Game Rules Win for Life Deluxe No. 2040

Game Rules Win for Life Deluxe No. 2013