«Happy Day»: last millions draw on 30 April 2022
Since 2013, Swisslos has made more than 40 people millionaires live in the «Happy Day» television show. This cooperation will come to an end after the show at the end of April 2022.

For around eight years, the millions draw has been a fixed part of SRF’s Saturday evening TV show «Happy Day». It will come to an end with the broadcast of 30 April 2022, when the 47th person will be made a millionaire.
What will happen to the «Happy Day» instant ticket until then, and will there be any follow-on product? You’ll find the answers to all your questions here.
When will the last millions draw take place?
The last millions draw will take place on 30 April 2022.
By when do I have to send in my last instant tickets?
The «Happy Day» ticket coupons will remain valid until the last «Happy Day» show with the millions draw on 30 April 2022. The tickets must be received at the address printed on the ticket by 25 April 2022 to be entered in the last millions draw. After the last show, the tickets with «Happy Day» printed on them will no longer be valid.
Do all «Happy Day» instant tickets become invalid after 30 April?
Instant tickets with «Happy Day» printed on them in the prize section are only valid until 30 April 2022. All other cash prizes will remain valid until the respective expiry date shown on the ticket.
What happens if I send my tickets in too late?
Tickets that are sent in too late will be duly destroyed.
Until when will «Happy Day» tickets be available?
The «Happy Day» instant ticket will remain on sale until April 2022.
What will happen with the nine ticket coupons drawn that can no longer take part in the “Pültli” game in the next show?
These maximum nine winners will receive a cash prize of 15,000 Swiss francs as per the regulations.
For how long will it be possible to redeem «Happy Day» cash prizes?
It will still be possible to redeem cash prizes at every point of sale – for a period of up to six months after the day of sale printed on the instant ticket.
Will there be a follow-on product to succeed «Happy Day»?
Yes – from mid-April 2022 the follow-on product «Fortuna» will go on sale.
What’s the advantage of this follow-on product «Fortuna»?
The big advantage of the new instant ticket is that the main prize of one million francs is printed directly in the ticket. You see immediately after opening the ticket whether you have won the main prize or not. This also means the ticket does not need to be sent in. And – last but by no means least – there will be more cash prizes!
An era is coming to an end – Swisslos would like to thank you for your loyalty and wishes you all the best in the future.