Monthly draw for Juli
The winners of the monthly draw have now been selected and directly notified:
- 50 francs game credit
Herr Jörg R. from Rüti
Herr Vincent G. from Biel
Frau Isabelle G. from Alpnachstad
Herr Daniel S. from Pfyn
Frau Sarah K. from Lüterkofen
- 100 francs game credit
Frau Bianca B., from Altishofen
Herr Manuel I. from Basel
Herr Livio L. from Mülligen
Herr Patrick P. from Jona
Herr Renzo R. from Arosio - 2 x 2 day passes for the Swiss Wrestling and Alpine Festival 2022 in Pratteln
Frau Birgitta H. from Uster
Herr César O. from Otelfingen
Congratulations to the winners!